Strotfjord Film- und Videoproduktionen Magdeburg

Strotfjord Film- und Videoproduktionen Magdeburg Lectures video recording music videos video editor

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From our results created in over 20 years of video production.

TV report: Storm in the home nature garden Weißenfels - How the animals experienced the...

Weißenfels, Ute Radestock, TV report, zoo, archive, Burgenlandkreis , storm depression Friedericke, manager, animals in the storm, interview, home nature garden

Strotfjord Film- und Videoproduktionen Magdeburg - top quality and at the best price - professional recording of concerts, events, discussions, theater performances...
for publication on the web, TV, on BluRay, DVD

Little financial means, but big claims?

These two things usually don t go together. Strotfjord Film- und Videoproduktionen Magdeburg is the exception and the only video production company to refute this rule. Our cameras are the latest generation of the same type with large 1 inch image sensors used. Excellent image quality is achieved despite difficult lighting conditions. The use of programmable motor pan-tilts allows the cameras to be controlled remotely and minimizes manpower, which reduces costs.

These are among other things our services

Parallel video recording with multiple cameras (multi-camera video production)

Strotfjord Film- und Videoproduktionen Magdeburg offers you the video recording with several cameras at the same time. Professional cameras of the same type are used. Cameras of the same type ensure identical image quality for every image or camera setting. The video material is edited on high-performance computers using professional software. As one of the few video producers, Strotfjord Film- und Videoproduktionen Magdeburg can produce videos in 8K / UHD-II / UHDTV2 / 4320p.
Video recording of concerts, theater performances and readings ...

In the video recording of theater performances, concerts, readings, etc., several cameras are of course used. Only through multi-camera video production is it possible to record many areas of the event simultaneously in image and sound. Remote controlled cameras are used. From a central point, a cameraman has everything in view and can align the cameras in a variety of ways. This reduces manpower and costs because a single person can control multiple cameras.
TV and video reports for radio, streaming and the internet

Through many years of activity, we also have a wealth of experience in this area. Hundreds of video reports and TV contributions have been made over the years. This activity led to a wide variety of places for a wide variety of topics. The topics ranged from current news and information to cultural and sporting events, social events and much more. Due to our extensive experience, we can produce TV reports and video reports for you on almost any topic.
Video production of rounds of talks, discussion events, interviews, etc.

We also use multiple cameras to record interviews, round tables, discussion events, etc. If the questioner should not be visible in interviews with only one person, two cameras would be sufficient. However, if it is an interview or conversation situation with several people, we naturally rely on the multi-camera method. Depending on whether it is an event with an audience, remote-controlled cameras can also be used here. The time required can be reduced if the video recordings are conversations and interviews without an audience.
Video editing, video cutting, audio editing

The video recording of events, concerts, interviews, etc. is understandably only one side of the coin. A video production cannot be completed without video editing. An important part of editing video material is adjusting and mixing the soundtracks or audio tracks. The integration of additional text and image material as well as the integration of logos and blurbs also takes place during the video editing. We also cut videos from their or material from other sources. If the soundtracks of a concert recording are to be remixed and mastered, you can supply them accordingly.
CD, DVD, Blu-ray Disc - Small Series Manufacturing

Our range of services also includes the production of CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs in small series. In terms of archiving, CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs offer a number of advantages. USB sticks, memory cards and hard drives have a limited shelf life. Electronic components are the common cause of data loss from hard drives, USB sticks and memory cards. Blu-ray discs, DVDs and CDs do not have these. Blu-ray discs, DVDs and CDs are the best choice for selling, giving away or archiving music and videos as a keepsake.

Results from more than 20 years of creative process
"Naumburg Cathedral - a place of history and art": TV report on the UNESCO World Heritage Site with assessments by Dr. Holger Kunde and Henry Mill

"A Gothic masterpiece": The portrait of Naumburg Cathedral as a UNESCO World ... »
The Equal Opportunities Officer of the City of Zeitz, Serena Reyes-Fuentes, talks about her work and private life in a video interview.

In an interview, Serena Reyes-Fuentes talks about her experiences as Equal Opportunities ...»
Taste meets entertainment: Reese & Culinary art and stage performance truly merge to create a unique experience. Enjoy not only the taste, but also the humor and entertainment while preparing it.

Why Christmas Eve?: Reese & Ërnst explain live why December 24th was chosen for this ... »
Threatened, tormented, traumatized - the citizens' voice of the Burgenland district

Threatened, tormented, traumatized - A letter from a citizen of the Burgenland ... »
dr medical Andreas Hellweger: Behind the scenes of trauma surgery and orthopaedics. In this TV report, Dr. medical Andreas Hellweger accompanies while he works behind the scenes in trauma surgery and orthopedics at the Asklepiosklinik Weißenfels. Part 2

Chief Physician Dr. medical Andreas Hellweger: Saving lives in the hospital. In this TV report, ...»
Im Gespräch mit Christine Beutler reflektiert Amy, die engagierte Bildungswandlerin, Lernbegleiterin und Mutter, über neue Lernorte, Schulgründungen und den inspirierenden Weg, wie Eltern ihre Kraft entdecken und nutzen können.

Amy, als leidenschaftliche Bildungswandlerin, Lernbegleiterin und Mama, spricht mit Christine ...»
Weißenfels handball club 91 (WHV 91) beats SV 07 Apollensdorf in the Burgenland district: Interview with Björn Weniger, the coach of the winning team.

Weißenfelser Handballverein 91 (WHV 91) keeps the upper hand against SV 07 ... »
Theater Naumburg, play -Nora or a doll's house- video recording

Theater Naumburg, video recording of the play -Nora or a doll's ... »
Demonstration / walk by government critics in Weissenfels with a speech by Elke Simon-Kuch (Member of the Saxony-Anhalt State Parliament) on September 19, 2022

Elke Simon-Kuch (Member of the State Parliament of Saxony-Anhalt) gave a speech at the ... »
Dragon boat races in Weißenfels - Erhard Günther talks about the challenges and the fun of the competition on the Saale.

Experience dragon boat races - Interview with Erhard Günther about the sporting event on ... »

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Revision Liying Kamara - 2024.09.08 - 04:03:16