Strotfjord Film- und Videoproduktionen Magdeburg

Strotfjord Film- und Videoproduktionen Magdeburg image creator Concert Video Production motion designer

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From our results created in over 20 years of video production.

In an interview, Ivonne Pioch reports on the new facilities of the Zeitz/Bergisdorf riding and...

In an interview, Ivonne Pioch gave information about the new facilities of the Zeitz/Bergisdorf riding and driving club, which offers space for 70 to 80 horses. In an interview, Ivonne Pioch reports on the new opportunities for riding holidays and working with children from the age of 3 in Zeitz. The riding and driving club also offers riding holidays in Zeitz and works with children from 3 years of age. Thanks to the new facility, the riding and driving club in Zeitz/Bergisdorf now has enough space to accommodate up to 80 horses and to offer riding holidays.

Strotfjord Film- und Videoproduktionen Magdeburg - the best way to record events, meetings, concerts, talks, theater performances...
for publication on the Internet, TV, on Blu-ray Disc, DVD

Demanding project despite limited financial possibilities?

Most of the time these things are mutually exclusive. Strotfjord Film- und Videoproduktionen Magdeburg is the exception to the rule. The cameras we use are modern, latest-generation models of the same type, with large 1-inch image sensors. Outstanding image quality is achieved in difficult lighting conditions. With programmable motorized pan-tilts, cameras can be controlled remotely, minimizing manpower and enabling cost savings.

We can work for you in the following areas, among others

Video recording with multiple cameras (multi-camera video production)

Strotfjord Film- und Videoproduktionen Magdeburg offers you the multi-camera video recording and production. Several cameras of the same type are used. Basically, at least 4K/UHD is recorded. The video material is edited on high-performance computers using professional software. Strotfjord Film- und Videoproduktionen Magdeburg offers the possibility to produce videos in 8K / UHD-II / UHDTV2 / 4320p as well.
Video production of theater performances, concerts, readings and more

The video recording of concerts, theater performances, readings, etc. is of course done with several cameras. Using the multi-camera method, we realize the video recording of the stage performance from many different perspectives. Remote controlled cameras are used. The cameras are controlled in a variety of ways from just one central point. In this way, 5 or more cameras can be controlled by just one person. An entire event can be fully recorded by just one person.
Video reports for TV, streaming and internet

A wealth of experience has grown from many years as a video journalist. Hundreds of video reports and TV contributions have been made over the years. This activity led to a wide variety of places for a wide variety of topics. These included breaking news and information, cultural and sporting events, competitions, social events and much more. Due to our extensive experience, we can produce TV reports and video reports for you on almost any topic.
Video production of rounds of talks, discussion events, interviews, etc.

Depending on the order, we also use several cameras for the video production of interviews, discussion events, round tables, etc. If the questioner should not be visible in interviews with only one person, two cameras would be sufficient. More than two cameras are always necessary when it comes to interviews and conversations with several people. Remotely controllable cameras would be used if it is an event with an audience. The time required can be reduced if the video recordings are conversations and interviews without an audience.
Editing of video and audio material

Of course, recording events, concerts, interviews and discussions is not enough. The second and at least as important part of a video production is the video editing. An important part of editing video material is adjusting and mixing the soundtracks or audio tracks. Additional text, image and video material as well as blurbs are also designed and integrated during the video editing. You can also submit existing image, text, video and audio material. If, for example, the audio tracks of a concert recording are to be mastered, we can do this or you can supply it as a file.
Manufacture of CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs in small quantities

Strotfjord Film- und Videoproduktionen Magdeburg is also your partner for CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs in small quantities. In contrast to other storage media, CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs have unbeatable advantages. Memory cards, hard drives and USB sticks are not designed to last forever. Electronic components are the common cause of data loss from hard drives, USB sticks and memory cards. Blu-ray discs, DVDs and CDs do not have these. Blu-ray Discs, DVDs, and CDs are great for selling, gifting, and archiving music, videos, or files.

From our references
TV report: Interview with Danilo Heber: New environmentally friendly parking facilities in Weißenfels

TV report: City of Weißenfels invests in climate protection: New parking lot is ... »
Music video of the Abacay project entitled Luka

Luka from Abacay (music ... »
Yann Song King - Stanislaw Jewgrafowitsch Petrov Angel of Peace - The citizens' voice Burgenlandkreis

Yann Song King - Angel of Peace Stanislaw Jewgrafowitsch Petrov - The citizens' voice of ... »
"35 years of martial arts school SG Friesen: Naumburg celebrates with Jiyu Ryu Dojo and Shotokan Karate" - TV report with interviews with Gerold Käßler and Peter Bittner.

"Jubilee in Naumburg: SG Friesen celebrates 35 years of martial arts school with ... »
The art of organ music: Ann-Helena Schlueter reports on her tour through Saxony-Anhalt.

Between sound and history: Ann-Helena Schlueter plays the Ladegast organ in ... »
Arche Nebra as a cultural site: How the special show strengthens regional identity: A report on the role of Arche Nebra as an important cultural site in the region and its importance for local identity.

Rent soldiers and gladiators in Nebra: A report on the exhibition and its impressive ... »
What era are we living in? - Thoughts of a citizen - The citizens' voice Burgenlandkreis

What era are we living in? – The opinion of a citizen from the Burgenland ... »
Background to the founding of the citizens' initiative Flut 2013 in Zeitz - A conversation with Dirk Lawrenz.

Dirk Lawrenz, the founder of the citizens' initiative Flut 2013 in Zeitz, talks about the ... »
From grandma's recipe book to the stage: Reese & Ërnst take you on a gastronomic journey, explain the origins of the Christmas Eve classic and conjure up the perfect potato salad with bockwurst live.

Taste meets entertainment: Reese & Culinary art and stage performance truly merge to ... »
TV report on the new training building for the Weißenfels Rowing Club in 1884. The short film shows the various construction phases and the completion of the building.

Improving training conditions: A report on the new training building of the Weißenfels ... »
We don't want to become zombies brought into line - Interview with Elmar Schwenke, Peter Lemar (musician, journalist, author)

Interview with Elmar Schwenke, Peter ... »
Weißenfels' hidden treasures: Reese & Ërnst uncover the mysteries of the Pfennig Bridge

Reese unpacks: The amazing story of the Pfennig Bridge in ... »

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Sivun tarkistuksen tehnyt Yasmin Nuñez - 2024.09.16 - 21:30:12